
Recognizing a problem—the key to business success

Ok, this is the first thing every businessperson will ask you. Does your business idea solve a problem? Funny as it may be, that’s the only secret of real success in business; if you can’t see a problem your business solves, you most likely wouldn’t last in business.

Facebook helps you meet old friends, Google.com helps you find answers, Eskimi.com helps you find soul mates, treatsex.com helps you solve sex related problems helps, and many others have many different problems they solve. So when next you look at all these companies and ask why they haven’t died, you should know the secret, they solve a real problem.

So, every person who is into business needs people to buy his output, who will buy your output if they really don’t need it? I guess your friends will though, to stay loyal to you. But coming to reality, you should think up an idea, look for people who need it so badly, and you are closer to success than you ever think.

So, why not share with Eskimi your interesting idea and the problem it will solve in the comments below.

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