
How to balance efficiency at work with efficiency at home

The most successful people in the world know that their success is not based on who has the most strength. Most times, it is more about tact. How tactful you are at combining all your responsibilities and delivering each time you are called upon is what distinguishes you

Being a woman who has to hold down the fort both at home and at work can be very demanding, especially if you add kids to that mix. You barely have time for yourself, not to mention catering to needs of all the people depending on you- your husband, your children, your colleagues and your boss (that’s if you are not the boss). All these places where your attention is needed are important, specifically if you are career-minded. So which do you shirk for the sake of another? 

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to let go of any. It is all about being able to strike a balance. The most important is to come to an understanding with your husband. You two might settle for some unconventional idea but who cares as long as it is perfect for you two? You have to settle the home first because it is supposed to be your safety net; if things aren’t well at home then your general level of productivity will be greatly affected.

Next thing is to have a schedule. Yes, this would create a routine that you might fear can lead to monotony but because you have so much going on, you need a consistent rhythm which routine gives. Creating a routine, however, doesn’t mean you should become stringent. If your circumstances change, be open to shaking up the schedule to address the new situation; this includes an occasional diversion from routine to help spice up your life.
Lastly, be principled at work. Do your best but don’t let anyone take you for granted else you will always work overtime!

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