How To Set Your Music, Song As Caller Tune As An UpComing Artiste
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How To Set Your Music, Song As Mtn Caller Tune As An UpComing Artiste.Are you an upcoming musician, music artiste and would like to set your song as caller tune on mtn,glo,etisalat,airtel without stress, if yes, then continue reading this and i knows the importance of using your own song,music as callertune instead of the normal default tune given to you by the network provider such asMTN, GLO, AIRTEL, stand more chances of promoting your song to the public and opportunity of a producer,
music label, other artiste listening to your song when they call you. isn’t that cool, free way to promote your song to other people including your friends and family members.they would be surprised and thrilled seeing thatyour own song is set as mtn callertune.
Many people think it is too expensive to upload their music as mtn callertune and due to that they neglect this free platform to promote their music to the public.but today, as you are reading this, count yourself lucky because i can set your song,music as MTN callertune for you as an upcoming music artiste in Nigeria and abroad.i have been doing this for otherupcoming musicians to promote their music via mtn too can get it done within 10 minutes.yes, you heard that right and for a very cheap won’t cost you so much to use your song as callertune and thrill your callers with it.still thinking if you want to create a caller tune with your song,well, here is the benefit of using your song as your caller tune on mtn,glo,airtel,etisalat
==> it is cheaper because its a personal tune
==> you get to promote your song to large number of people because any one who calls you, regardless of the network provider they are using, they will listen to your tune
==> you create opportunity for your music to be heard by large audience
==> you stand a chance of getting exposed to other top musicians, producers, music label etc because you never know who would call you
so what are you still waiting for, let us use your song to create a caller tune for you at cheaper price.join other upcoming musicians that are taking advantage of this offer to promote their song without paying those expensive fees.
Within 10 minutes, your caller tune is ready and how much does it cost to have your song as callertune in Nigeria
We charge just #2000 to get it done within 10 minutes. isn’t that cheap compared to paying over #30000-#50000 to mobile provider to do it for you.using your own song as mtn callertune should not scare you because now you can get it done by us less get it done,
Call: 08107749195
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